Chair - Gavin Lenthall
Responsible for chairing committee and general meetings and guiding the general direction of the club according to the club policies.
Secretary - James Sheader
Responsible for organising committee and general meetings, taking minutes at meetings, and assisting the chair in administrative tasks.
Treasurer - Dan Heelis-Adams
Responsible for club finances including collecting membership and sessions fees, and producing an annual treasurers report.
Player's Rep - Ted Roberts
Represents club members' views and feedback to the rest of the committee.
Club Rep - George Lungley
Represents Avon CPC at national British Canoeing and British Canoe Polo meetings.
Events - Will Hervey
Responsible for organising social events.
Health and Safety - Matt Jones
Responsible for ensuring the club is run in a safe and compliant manner and ensuring relevant risk assessments are up to date and thorough.
Kit - Tom Hewlett
Responsible for managing club kit and ensuring kit is in safe working condition.
Membership - Ted Roberts
Responsible for replying to membership enquiries, managing the club membership lists, and ensuring mailing lists and WhatsApp groups are up to dates.
Additional Committee Members - Izzi Gilmour, Theo Preston Bell
Attend committee meetings and offer additional input and help with other tasks not specifically related to any role.
Team Captains and Captains' Rep
Team captains are selected by the committee before the start of the national league season each year. Captaincies are not committee positions but the captains may elect a representative to sit on the committee as the Captains' Rep.